
Hi! I'm AJ.

If you're here, you're likely as obsessed with cetaceans as I am. I am a marine biology student studying in Scotland with aspirations to become a marine mammal scientist. I am using this store to support my degree and fund internships that will allow me to gain the experience I need to become a marine scientist. 


About Pint Of Angry Bees

Pint of Angry bees was started as an Etsy store in 2020, after I was let go from my barista job during the pandemic. Since then I have added a lot of new items, including my washi tape range. The store is focused mainly on marine animal, and mainly cetacean, items. Although you'll find some landscape paintings from my travels around Scotland too! 

The main goal of this store is to offer niche cetacean items that aren't available elsewhere. I have always been frustrated that almost all whale and dolphin stationary items and artworks are very generic. So in making this store, you can now buy washi tape with ancient whales on it or stickers of Lagenorhynchus dolphins! 

Supporting my degree

I am really enjoying my degree in marine biology, but sadly, a degree just isn't enough to get a job, especially one a highly competitive area like marine mammal science. While there are plenty of opportunities to get work experience, unfortunately almost all of them require a substantial fee or are voluntary so limiting participants to those who can afford to pay or not to work for the summer months. While I would love to see this change to make marine mammal science more accessible, in the meantime it is what we are stuck with. So to get around this, Pint Of Angry Bees (along with my second job) helps to support my degree during term time and save for internships and volunteering that will enable me to get that all important experience! 

Every purchase you make helps me towards this goal, so thank you for helping me work towards my dreams!